Meet the FF April artists: MU graduate art therapy students

Your name/group name: Exploring my Identity as a Developing Art Therapist: An Online Exhibition

How many participants does your group have? 13

Tell us about your group: Graduate art therapy students enrolled in Dr. Ashley Hartman’s Museum-Based Art Therapy course at Marywood University collaborated to co-curate this exhibition as part of their spring semester project.

Is your group geared towards a specific medium/style? This exhibition is co-curated by Dr. Ashley Hartman and the graduate art therapy students enrolled in the Museum-based Art Therapy course at Marywood University. The exhibition highlights mixed-media works that explore the narrative of graduate art therapy students in response to their development in professional identity and the aspirations they have regarding their future art therapy practices. These mixed-media pieces include a component of handmade paper that were created during an open-studio creative art workshop or independently by each student. This exhibition highlights the possibilities of co-curating an exhibition as part of creative interventions in the expressive arts. The stories and reflective writings of the students relate to their own self-exploration as they navigate the next steps in their art therapy training.


Taylor Guttesman 

The Magic of It All

“My art is inspired by the way I view humanity: a group of incredibly unique and complex individuals who somehow have the same beautiful thing in common…being human” -Taylor G.


Alexis L. 

Lavender Dreams

“I am inspired by the surroundings in my everyday life; delicate florals, precious conversations, warm embraces, and calming colors. Embracing my own unique self and cherishing the little moments with others is reflected in my work.” -Alexis L.



Faith Grieshaber

I am

“I am inspired by the light I see within everything.  The light of a new day, the light within someone’s eyes, or the light I feel when creating.  It changes me, it inspires me, it makes me who I am. ” -Faith


Sarah P. Pfeil

See the Good.



Paige Owings

Adapt & Arise


Tessa Swider


“I find inspiration in everything – I’m always open to the strange and unusual, and exploring that through my own creative process. I love to add something odd to all my art pieces. It celebrates the weird in life.” – Tessa S.


Elyse Krupinski


Gina Correll

The Pledge


Francesca Giuliani

Blooming into my Own

“I’m inspired by the world around me: the nature, the people, and the experiences. My art is the perspective of how I perceive it all: the connections I make, the views I admire, and the thoughts I struggle to make sense of.”- Francesca G

*Artwork includes quotes by Morgan Harper Nichols and other artists



Dayanese Rodriguez

Home and Journey

32” x 23”; Handmade Paper and Mixed Media

Through explorations of universal symbolism of home and journey, one is able to reflect and reconstruct the pathways of who they were and who they have become in respect to these foundations. One’s narrative is constituted through avenues of perspectives and places, environments and histories woven together to craft the identity of who one is today. This work is representative of this journey.



Dayanese Rodriguez


47” x 22”; Handmade Paper and Pulp Paint



Jacqueline Scheffler

Growth is a Continuous Process


Michele Sanfilippo


“Some of the most fragile things are also the most resilient. I find that to be absolutely breathtaking and extraordinary. That is where my inspiration comes from.” – Michele S.