Meet the FF April Artist: UNC NEPA’s Youth Art Program

Your name/title & program name: John Washicosky Arts Coordinator for Untied Neighborhood Centers of NEPA


How many participants does your program have?  Currently, 23 are signed up for photography.  Only 6 are being showcased.


Tell us about your program: We are an after-school program designed for at-risk youth.  We have a variety of programs including: visual arts, photography, pottery, theater, digital media, leaders in training, and health awareness.


Is your program geared towards a specific medium? For First Friday, we mainly show photography.  This time around, we are focused on more accessible photography through phones.  A lot of our classes are currently being taught through Zoom.


A lot of our participants joined the program to be with friends and learn new skills that may have been available to them.  They’re free to create, critique, express, and be themselves.


Artist: Abdullah Rahiym Muhammad

Artist: Cam Sanderman

Artist: Enjelis Madera

Artist: Janiya Jones

Artist: Karla Sandoval

Artist: Kelis Perkins