Danny Griffith

Medium: ART: charcoal / colored pencil – MUSIC: Alt. Hip-Hop
Title: 10griffy- Lucid Conscience
Phone: (570) 815-8425
Sample Artwork: Hi, I am a local graduating high-school art student, as well as an alternative hip-hop artist. I am currently working on my upcoming Album, Lucid Conscience, which I plan to release in the beginning of August. For my AP Art Class at North Pocono High School, I have created a portfolio of drawings (12 pieces) to correspond with my upcoming album. I hope to display this portfolio in a gallery, while I also perform a show for my album's release, and I think First Friday would be the perfect place for this. Please call me if you have any questions about this.

Here are some sample pieces from the portfolio:–Jp1pwshDkYjkzcEdxQkhiWVU

As well as my music website: