Meet the FF April Artist: Constance Denchy
Name: Constance Denchy creative director of the I CONstance UNsceene
Town: The Mid Valley
Medium(s): I am a mixed media artist.
What got you into creating art? My first memory of creating was around the age of two. I just remember my Mother’s excitement seeing my drawings. Being born to create is “what” got me into “it”!
What work do you most enjoying doing? Anything I’m doing.
What’s your favorite artwork? Mine or another Artist’s work? Answer would be the same: “Too many to list.”
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? “NEVER WORRY ABOUT CREATING AN AUDIENCE; CREATE YOUR WORK AND YOUR AUDIENCE WILL FIND YOU.” Shahid Agha Ali
What inspires you? Everything
Favorite artists? Too many to list.
What do you enjoy about First Friday? The time given by my viewers and their responses to my work. I’m in awe of the dedication and loyalty so many have had for over 13 years to supporting my “Scranton First Friday ” efforts. I’ve been blessed with a consistent local following who have stood in lines while it rains or snows to see UNsceene exhibits. Their love for my work has been both inspiring and humbling.
Where do you see your art going in the next year? My art will continue to explore the consequences of social injustices the objectification and degradation of women has had on society, using various mediums to do so. Next year in April I hope this Global pandemic is over so I can physically show case my work instead of exhibiting in cyberspace.
Here are six works from my “Positive People ” series created during my current COVID19 Artist’s Quarantine Residency. Each is an altered screenshot of images I found or created. The medium is my cellphone using limited features that came with it. These were made specifically for cyberspace and are free to be shared.