Meet the FF April Artist: Gloria Lona
Name: Gloria Lona
Town: Scranton
Medium(s): Crochet, for the time being
What got you into creating art? I’ve always been surrounded by art and creative people. I do dabble in other mediums, but these little guys are my current priority. I really love the juxtaposition between a big, scary demon or elder god, and a cute, cuddly creature.
What work do you most enjoying doing? I always enjoy doing character work. Reimagining Link from Lord of the Rings as Cthulhu and things of that nature are a welcome challenge.
What’s your favorite artwork? Skull of a Skeleton with a Burning Cigarette. Good ol’ VanGogh. Basic, I know.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? Never lose sight of the joy.
What inspires you? I try to find inspiration all around me.
Favorite artists? I mean, if we’re talking painters, I’m kind of basic. I enjoy VanGogh, Bosch, Dali… In regards to crochet, on Instagram, the user ohanacraft makes some of the most adorable little amigurumi plushies, so I guess she is one of my favorites in this medium.
What do you enjoy about First Friday? I enjoy how the whole community comes out and gets to appreciate each other.
Where do you see your art going in the next year? That canvas is blank ☺️