Peter Peterson
Medium: Byzantine Iconography
Title: Byzantine Iconography – History, Theology, and Prayer.
Phone: (215) 862-5782
Sample Artwork: Byzantine iconography is so much more than just a painting, it involves technique, history, theology, and prayer. Lots of prayer. Over the last half century, this ancient art has been rediscovered in the West and a few masters have taught interested people what they learned from their teachers.
Peter Pearson has been painting icons for nearly 50 years and has been teaching others for 25 years. He’s published three books on the subject and leads workshops/retreats all over North America. His passion and curiosity are effective tools for introducing others to the sacred art that he loves.
In addition to his teaching, Peter also does commission work and has done several very large jobs in churches here, in the Pittsburgh area, in Tucson, and around the country. Fifteen years ago, he painted all the icons for Saint John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church in Hazelton and at this time he’s working on a similar project for the Byzantine Shrine of Our Lady, Undoer of Knots in Arizona.
What you see in this small, First Friday Scranton exhibit, is the work done by Peter as well his students local artists Linda Naro and Michele Fenstermaker. The best way to view these icons is to simply look and then look some more. Gaze upon the images and stay open for what you might discover. The event is free and open to the public on September 7th at Heaven & Earth Gift Shop 400 Wyoming Avenue, Suite 100, Scranton, PA 18503 for more information please call 570-800-1877.